The logo I've chosen to use to represent adequate female is called Enso, it's a symbol from Japanese calligraphy.  Hang with me, I'm not going into super-spiritual territory, but the symbolism is important! If you actually took the meanings of the two Kanji symbols that make up the word, ensō would translate as Mutual Circle or Circle of Togetherness.

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The ancient ensō symbol appears to be nothing more than a miss-shaped circle but its symbolism refers to the beginning and end of all things, the circle of life. It can symbolize emptiness or fullness, presence or absence.

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It represents life and all things contained within it, the spirit of cooperation, personal development and refinement of character, the visible and the invisible, absolute fullness in emptiness, simplicity, completeness, endlessness, perfect harmony and the cyclical nature of existence.

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Reflecting the duality within life and the imperfection of all things. It is a symbol that combines the visible and the hidden, the simple and the profound, the empty and the full. It is imperfect in its imperfection.