Resources, inspiration and all round brilliant women we think are doing amazing things, would love to have coffee with or we like their hair...

  1. @natashabailie's MentalXMutha incredible community for Mum's being real about mental health.
  2. Refinery29 for it's diverse, non-makeup artist-y makeup tutorials. Yes!
  3. Wild Fang for their pro-women activism, IG content and clothing.
  4. Ateh's Jewel Tones Beauty for being the voice of WOC who have been badly under-represented by the industry for decades!
  5. Bethany Rutter for her body positivity, pro-food, fitness, books and tbh with you incredible cheery outfit posts. All kinds of "yep, that's right. I'm a babe."
  6. Megan and her serving up daily lessons on inclusion, and how you don't need to fit a certain mold to be enough.
  7. Karen Arthur, oh the ways in which this gal is evolving. Fashion designer, dance teacher, artists muse, blogger, and soon to be Zimbabe Sewing Tutor, a force of nature.
  8. Kelly Roberts of This woman got me into a great head-space about running again, largely because she does not approach it in a super-positive way, has a different look and approach to the fitness industry. Her podcasts are epic about life, with a side of running.
  9. Katherine May, author, sea-swimmer, #actuallyautistic and just a brilliantly open, honest and authentic soul. Follow on Insta for regular seaside amazingness.
  10. Laura Thomas, nutritionist with the most compassionate, realistic, sweary, and passionate views on positive relationships with food and your body. Her posts calling out industry mis-information are vital. Yes.
  11. Ree Ree Rockette of Rockalily Cuts, a different voice on Twitter and Insta, business woman who is great at pondering the day to day stuff.
  12. Alice eating disorder recovery and endorser of feeling your body is pretty awesome. It is. 
  13. The Girls Network bringing women together with girls, to mentor and give them real life examples of how to succeed without a conventionally privileged background.
  14. Mental Health Foundation such a fantastic resource, and great social posts.
  15. Papyrus Prevention of Young Suicide. One close to my heart and relevant to us all.
  16. The Positive Planner an accessible way to focus on the small, everyday and feel that you have achieved. Because you have. Beautiful, visually gorgeous and cheering.